Acquisition and Life Cycle Management
- Provided acquisition planning for relocation of nuclear facilities
- Developed functional and operational requirements
- Developed budget cost schedule for relocation and upgrading test reactors
Design Installation and Testing of Radiation Detectors
- Developed specifications for procurement and installation of radiation detection systems for deterrence of nuclear smuggling
- Supported procurement, installation testing and start up of overseas nuclear detection systems
- Established a maintenance program to support foreign installed radiation detectors
Nuclear Equipment Evaluation Qualification and System Engineering
- Delivered Process Qualification Plans for component manufacturing
- Developed and initiated configuration management for manufacturing consistency
- Developed relationship of design requirements to manufacturing capabilities
Nuclear Materials and Facility Support
- Developed cost models for manufacturing of components
- Established a facility change control and configuration management process
- Supporting the initiation of quality systems for production of components
- Performed cost and project management for installation and modification of nuclear facilities
Rough Order of Magnitude Cost Studies
- Evaluation for decommissioning of nuclear facilities
- Performed for national laboratory
Development and implementation of Quality Assurance Programs
- Fissile material polishing project
- Fissile material packaging for long-term storage project
- Various LANL projects